Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Loose ends

Shelagh returned safely from her road trip Saturday afternoon. She said the drive was "long and boring" and that the exam was "humbling." We wait a few weeks for test results, but since 600 people sat for the exam it was probably just a learning experience.

Still it was a learning experience. When you go to an extremely small school like Leland (her graduating class is 35 kids) it is easy to think you are something special because you outperform your peers. She knows now that she will have some catching up to do wherever she goes to college. She did like hanging out at the Honors College, but her friends who live in the regular dorms say that there is nothing much to do there except sit in the dorm and watch MTV.

Sunday night I drove home in an ice storm. Monday there was no school, but the roads seemed to be melting off nicely. Liz left for the bank about 11 am, but called 45 minutes later to say that she was stuck in a ditch. She apparently saw some interesting steam rising off of Lake Michigan and drove out of her way to see it. When she tried to turn around in an unplowed driveway she found herself slowly sliding into the ditch. But being young and cute is often helpful; a guy in a truck stopped, chained a winch to a tree and pulled her out. (I guess Anna's "man" finally showed up.) By the time her father arrived she was on the road again. Now Dad calls her "Crash."

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