This was a picture from the top of the bluff over Lake Michigan where we were walking the dog. The water seems impossibly clear this time of year. The water temperature is still in the low 40's. The lake gets clearer every year because of the zebra mussels.
April is the Month of the Young Child. At the Leelanau Children's Center, each kid laid down on a sheet of big paper, a teacher traced around, and then they cut and colored their image. The life size paper kids are hung up in area businesses, each with a red heart that reminds us "Children Matter."

The photo at left is the Post Office in Leland. At the right is The Huntington Bank ATM Kiosk. There are kids everywhere you look.
One year Shelagh's cutout was at the Merc. Anna once hung in Dick's Pour House. Of course Liz hung out at the library.
I stopped by the Leland Library today, and got my fair share of the news. I borrowed The Weather Makers and The Audacity of Hope. Right now I am reading The Hype About Hydrogen, which Liz left here for me. I had to let the three 79 year old volunteers manning the desk chide me about overdue movies, but then I overpaid for my copies and told them to put the rest in the kitty. They were loudly discussing the field of presidential candidates. Dan doubted that Barack had written his own book.

Finally I got to go home and get some chores done. Three loads of laundry hung out and the bread made. It sure looks like the peas (at left) are growing and I should be able to make a rhubarb cake for Shelagh when she comes home this week.
After dinner, Anna and I rode our bikes the two miles back to dog-sitting. In this county you have either hills or traffic, and the route tonight was flat. The traffic wasn't too bad, but I think I am going to get us both those rear-view mirrors that attach to your helmet. If I make Anna wear it around the house for a few days she'll get used to it. She isn't scared of traffic, but it's hard to know if she's paying enough attention. At least on a beautiful Saturday like this nobody seemed to be in much of a hurry.
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