Monday, January 26, 2009

Peanut Butter Recall Hits Home

Most of these food recalls don't affect me much. We buy very little supermarket produce in the winter and almost none once the garden gets going. I did buy a case of these peanut butter crackers last winter as a backup snack for Chess Club. They are not too sugary, kids like them, and they should keep for a good long time, even riding around in the trunk of the car all winter.

Well, maybe I was wrong about that last part. These crackers are the latest recall, since they seem to harbor salmonella that came from a peanut packing plant that sold "peanut paste" to various snack food manufacturers. This product is sold in vending machines all over the place and is the sort of snack that people look for when they want healthy foods for kids. People too busy for a real meal and preschoolers seem like the sort of people who will probably get sick instead of fighting the infection off.

For me, the lesson is "Don't be too busy to cook." But I know how to cook. Both of my college kids report that their peers know next to nothing about cooking. One of Liz's friends was in her kitchen when he saw an unfamiliar object:
"What's that?"

"It's an onion!"

"Really? Can I cut it and see if I cry?"

Shelagh says that most of her friends don't cook. They subsist on take out and Lean Cuisine. That's got to be expensive. I hope they don't have a peanut noodle dinner.

As long as I'm rambling about food, I will tell what has happened to my baking blog. It started out as a place to expand on my bread baking advice, but as the kids grew up and left home it became a handy place to post the recipes that they most missed from home and wanted to cook. I embedded a recipe template so that it was quick and easy to insert ingredient lists and directions. I posted recipes steadily for a while, but now when they call home for a recipe, it's usually there. Anna and I shot some footage of learning to knead last winter, but I have to find time to learn how to edit before that gets published.

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